Religious Education


Also refer to The Religious Life at School

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“The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate and form students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society”
This vision for Religious Education within the Catholic schools of the Brisbane Archdiocese provides a challenge to students and teachers: for teachers to engage students in a religion program that prepares them to live this vision and for our students to become a religious voice in the world beyond the classroom.
St Kevin’s Catholic School provides an engaging and relevant Religion program for all of our students. Quality programs focusing on Religion that are well planned, age appropriate and pertinent to the needs of our community are delivered across the school.
At the same time as we acknowledge that parents are of the first educators of their children in faith, we aim to work with parents in teaching our children to be religious in a particular way; having a deep knowledge of the Catholic Christian faith which forms their actions and attitudes in an ever- changing world.
This model identifies two distinct, yet complementary, dimensions of Religious Education within our school.  
St Kevin’s Religion Program Document provides a clear outline of the values, principles and processes involved in providing high quality learning opportunities in Religion; setting clear learning intentions and encouraging students to work towards stated success criteria.
It is a program that promotes inclusiveness, equity and excellence for each one of our students. The vision we have for our Religion Program closely reflects the vision and mission statements of our school.
 Our Vision
St Kevin’s Catholic Primary School envisions an environment where everyone is encouraged to develop their God-given gifts so that they may live happy and fulfilling lives based on the Gospel values.
Our Mission
Our mission is to strengthen the partnerships while nurturing and supporting each other as we encourage learners of all ages to shape and enrich our changing worlds by contributing their gifts for the renewal of God’s creation.


St Kevin’s Religion Program

 Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4

What does it mean to be a St Kevin's student, living God's plan for us?


What do we know about Jesus, a Jewish boy and his family? (A focus on Mary during May.)What is a church and how do we know it is a sacred space?What gifts has God given us?
Year 1

What was Jesus' mission and ministry?

Who is God? How does God show himself in my life?

How do believers honour Mary, mother of Jesus?

Where is God present – in Old Testament stories and in the Sacraments?


Why pray?

Year 2How can I be a peacemaker?Caring for our world? How can I be a steward of God's Creation?How can I build a world of love?Being God's people? What does this mean??
Year ​3Who do you say Jesus is?How is the church a community? Who is 'church'?Where do people see God in their lives?

Why choose to live a moral life?
Year​ 4How can we live successfully in community?How can I have a better understanding of God's word?Community- why, who, how?How is Jesus' mission carried on in the church today?
Year ​5

How does the Holy Spirit act in the lives of believers?

How do believers make decisions?

Who is Mary, mother of JesusHow did the early pioneers of the Catholic Church share their faith?How do the words of the Bible speak to people?
Ye​ar 6

Why does Justice begin with me?

Do the prophets have any message for me?

Who do you say I am? Who is Jesus?

How is faith celebrated in the lives of believers, past and present?

How do believers live their faith?Where is the Holy Spirit to be found?

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Kevin’s School  (2023)​​