St Kevin’s Catholic School Parents and Friends Association (P & F) is an inclusive and open non-profit group, supporting the school in a variety of ways.
Our funding, drawn from contributions made by current families, is directed towards supporting various school projects, including facilities and resources. We are a forum for parents and friends to communicate and be represented, with the welfare of the school as a whole in mind.
The P & F is a great way to meet others and work together to make our school a better place for our children, families, staff and the wider community.
ogether with the school, we are involved in activities that support the school’s vision and the projects that are identified and priortised within the St Kevin's master plan framework. Families participate in events such as the annual Beach-a-thon to raise funds for special projects (eg. Keep Our Kids Cool)
Our social events (Welcome BBQ, Mothers' Dinner, Derby Day) serve as a way for parents to unwind and meet with other parents in casual settings.
The P & F actively work on providing opportunities for parents and carers to contribute their talents and time in various ways, welcoming volunteers throughout the year.
We value communication within our community utili
sing digital media such as the school newsletter and Facebook, and informal catch ups that take place.
The very nature of the P & F necessitates that it remains dynamic and community-focused. Our vision of an engaged community will remain at the heart of what we do for years to come.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Kevin’s School (2023)